
Wednesday 19 March 2008

Tourist Walk

Yesterday I went on a bit of a tourist trail around London and took in some of the sights I hadn't seen. This is the horse guards building where (I later learned) a parade takes place each day at 11am. I'll pick a slightly warmer day to go back and see it and preferably with out a cold.


Anonymous said...

Wow. When I see something like this. and all of those windows and rooms, it makes me wonder how they heat the place.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio

George Townboy said...

Gorgeous photo!

Jim Klenke said...

It almost looks like a painting. Wonderful shot.

The Lone Beader® said...

I remember walking by that building last year when I was on my way to the Cabinet War Rooms.

Anonymous said...

My son's schoolbook has a picture of the Millenium Eye. He can't wait to ride it! (He's only 6!) What a lovely view!

Daniel J Santos said...

Very beautiful building, it seems one beautiful place to visit.

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

I really like how you've framed that beautiful scene. Lovely view of those magnificent buildings.

I hope you'll get better soon.

Oh, and by the way, I've been meaning to tell you (for over a month now...), I think you would like to look at this (a very talented guy took it a few years ago, I think it's one of the best shots of - and from the Eye I've ever seen). Let me know what you think.)

marley said...

Great photo. The touristy things in London are fantastic. Horse Guards parade is really good and I went on the Eye this time last year and it was brilliant, even though the weather was overcast!

Pink said...

cool spot for a photograph :)

Greyhound Girl said...

What an amazing view! Great shot!

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