
Wednesday 25 June 2008

Arriving in London

The eurostar arriving in London from Paris passing over Regent's canal just as it approaches St Pancras Station.


marley said...

Its hardly like going over the River Seine! But I suppose the French visitors will have to put up with it! Great photo, lots going on :)

Come over to Cheltenham for some photos of Greece.

Anonymous said...

The houseboats are interesting: Justus III and Morpheous (I think). Are there any restrictions when living in a house-boat on the Thames. I should think it nice for a few months but would pall very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I also pollinate my own flowers and fruit, what little I have. I see tomatoes are formed now.

I don't mind them eating anything here so they seem to sense that and enjoy what they can feast on.

Thanks for your visit to my blog Brookville Daily Photo this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the baby rabbit eating the hibiscus flower.

I am now taking a diminishing dose of steroids for my Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and it works. I am pain free. I believe the chemotherapy drug is spelled "Methotrexate" that is used to treat a lot of things from cancer to arthritis and it has side effects that are troubling. So I need to talk to my doctor about it before I take it. Just missing a dose can be a real nightmare.

Anyway, I wanted you to know I stopped-in to repay your visit and comment with mine.

I enjoyed reading your blog post for today about living on a Canal Boat I take it, and I thought your photography was excellent.

I don't know if you like to read or not but if you do this place is amazing.

I just got my first shipment of used books from Strand's bookstore in New York City, yesterday. They have 18 miles of used books. Think about that. Anyway, they got here and I am totally happy with those I chose to read. I had to start out by just choosing a category, like photography, and go from there. I don't know how in the world they can keep track of so many books.

Look up Strand bookstore or copy and paste the URL here:

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