London is reported to have the most CCTV coverage in the world. On average a Londoner is caught on camera 300 times a day. The authorities, however don't believe this is enough, so a further $12 million is to be spent on satellite surveillance by 2011. (A similar amount for the rest of the country)
Add to this the abuse of so called terrorist laws, used by local councils to see if you put your rubbish in the right bin (or have the right size bin), check where your dog does its dodos, oh and see if you are taking your child to the right preschool.
Did I mention the loss of your personal data? Not only have we had several government departments lose data, but in one instance they lost it 3 times! There is now a strong motivation to resolve this, our personal information is to be sold for commercial use.
Are you as bothered by this as my growing awareness makes me?
Wow, the world is getting to be a crazy place isn't it?
that's rather overzealous! i had no idea it was so bad in London.
Excuse me but my english is not very perfect. Thanks for your visit. Some of french towns begin to get the same. For or against? That is the question ? I am not against personally if I am not blaming mysefl for anything.
It is worrisome. It is way too easy to be abused.
Great post and photo. Another litte fact for you - the UK has 20% of the WORLDS CCTV cameras!
If the government try to implement ID cards they'll have a hard job with me. I think that really will be the final nail in the coffin of Freedom. I'm not having one, even if they pay me!
Elizabeth de Villiers, 47, of Castletown Road, West Kensington, pleaded guilty to 15 charges of benefit fraud at Blackfriars Crown Court on Monday 28 January 2008. She was caught following an undercover surveillance operation by officers from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, the Department for Work and Pensions and the police.
Surveillance Society 1 Liberals 0
We've been living in Big Brother age for a while now. It can only get worse. Safety issues are important of course, but extremes are always wrong. Also, I do not see the benefits of all of this. And those lost data really puzzle me. Too many. As you well put, who monitors the monitors? Take care. Ciao. Antonella
Be careful, your thoughts are being recorded.
Absoluety brilliant. Well said. I notice it more and more when go over to the UK now. As for the lost data, it is just so embarresing that peoeple in such prominent positions are taht inept.
The UK has over 20% of the world's CCTV cameras??? But, it's such a small place! :/
America is getting increasingly like this as well... it is not a good thing!
Yes I heard that one about the benefit fraud. I saw this in a paper - apparently the DWP screwed up the case and didn't get a penny back - gufffawwww!! Serves them right for being such bumbling idiots.
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