This market selling vintage books, specialist magazines, signed editions and hard to find prints and maps has been in existence at Southbank (near Waterloo Bridge) since 1982.
I am in Paris at present so will try and catch up with you all later in the week.
Oh I love rummaging through old books! Enjoy Paris :)
I've been in that market under the bridge by the NT. But I've learned my lesson about buying books while on vacation.
Everyone gets to go to Paris but me.
Oops, I forgot to mention that the photo is very effective.
I hope it wasn't raining on all those books! Have fun in Paris!
Enjoy your trip. Hope you got a good book to read!
Have fun. I could wander around here all day.
What a neat idea! I would definitely spend hours at a time here. Doesn't the damp air damage the books? Or are they in protective covers?
Oh, I can picture myself there...
What a dream going through all those books under the opne sky: great photo! Hope you're having agreat time in Paris. Au revoir! A.
In Paris you can buy some books in english (I think) on the boards of Seine River. Have a good time in my town.
I absolutely love going to book markets. I could spend hours just browsing and then a small fortune buying. Never met a book I didn't like. :)
Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Paris. I haven't been there in years and miss it.
This is possibly my favorite book market in the whole world. <3
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