
Wednesday 13 May 2009

Olympic Progress Report

A glimpse at the 2012 Olympic games site. The new stadium is well underway. Lots still to do but they're working everyday.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

lovely we are in the same boat in SA at the moment. Preparing for 2010 Soccer World cup and a lot of stadiums are being built.

chrome3d said...

The UFO has landed to London.

Cat said...

I think it looks amazing! I'm so excited for London.

Anonymous said...

Where in London is this being built?

Tammy said...

How exciting!

The Lone Beader® said...

Yes, where is this in London??

Splendor said...

Stratford, East London.


Babzy.B said...

Impressive construction !

Red said...

So looking forward to seeing the next Olympic in London. Please keep us updated on the new contruction. Thank you, Mo.

Rob said...

Will be fun to see this work in progress, a preview of the stadium.

marley said...

I'm surprised at how quickly its coming together, especially here in the UK! Keep us posted.

Ken Mac said...


Kris McCracken said...

I bet Londoners are already sick and tired of the Olympics!

Anonymous said...

this photo
shows clear progress
on the olympic mothership


Anonymous said...

It's nice to have a pre-Olympic glimpse!!! How exciting for London.

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