The gateway to London, actually I think there were several gates into the city of London, however this one stood on what is now the dividing line between the Stand and Fleet St. The old gate, known as the Temple Bar, had a prison above it and if you upset the king you'd have your head lopped of and stuck on a spike from the top arch of the gate.
For a variety of reasons but mainly to widen the road, the gate was taken down and put into storage. In its place this statue of a griffin was erected.
Don't be
surprised if its eyes are miniature security cameras.
Over 120 years later in 2004 the gate has been re-erected at
Paternoster Square
As always on Fridays be sure to visit other
skywatchers around the world.
My trusty little book 'London for Everyman' (1956 & not very PC!) says the old gate was threatened to be removed in 1787 & again in 1921.
Wonder why a griffin?
Whoops – forgot to say a very atmospheric & dramatic photo.
The Griffin looks like he's about to take to the sky. Great shot.
Quite spooky, indeed! and those clouds...Sublime... Do you know?
"Sublime= horrible beauty"?It makes me think of gothic stories. Great.
Wonderful photo. I love getting the history that surrounds it too. Nice touch. =)
Super photo! I love the tiny patch of blue sky!
lovely photograph and amazing story
Thanks some good info here.
Dramatic photo - great.
Good morning, I send best chares.Michalis
This sky is awesome!
Quite the foreboding mood in this photo. Very nice!
How beautiful!! Wish I could see it in Real time!lol
have you read London Orbital? The author has some striking things to say about the TEmple Bar.
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