London is protected from flooding by these gates. London is built on the edge of a tidal river that rises 8 meters on a normal day. In stormy conditions it can be treacherous. It was after such a flood in the 1950's that the idea of the barrier was first discussed, eventuating in the 1980's. The latest fears are that with global warming and sea levels rising, this isn't going to be sufficient in the future.
In the distance you can see the buildings of Canary wharf. The one with the pyramid structure on top is the tallest building in the UK.
Thanks for letting us know even the most peculiar and hidden aspects of this beautiful city!
A new London, almost unknown out of the city...
Its a great view and a great shot.Thanks for this!
Amazing looking things, part of them look a bit like a doll with a hat on – winking. Very impressive photo & structures.
If you ever get the chance, take a drive up to Hull. They have this cool barrier up there AND the world's only submarium.
There was a program on television that showed us how these gates work. It was most interesting.
Looks like something straight out of Fritz Lang's "Metropolis." Do you know how they work? Like a dam? Have you ever seen the gates close (or whatever it is they do)?
Very cool. They look like something out of a sci-fi movie. Perhaps they are really alien spaceships. :-) And I love getting a chance to see Canary Wharf in something that doesn't involve Torchwood or Doctor Who. Thanks.
Thank you for this! I learned something today about London! I can understand the fear of rising waters...parts of downtown Miami are already under a few inches of water at high tide.
But they keep building highrises!
Nice view , i didn't know about these barriers , they look like sculptures :)
I didn't know about these gates, either! They do look very artsy!! :)
Really neat picture. I've never know about these.
This thing really interests me. How do they know its going to work?!
I still can't figure them out!
great pic
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GREAT PIC! The barrier is REALLY cool from an engineering perspective too... It has 10 steel gates that can be raised into position to block tidal and storm surges...
It's HUGE too... When raised, the gates are 5 stories tall! They also weigh around 3k tons...
If I remember, they actually test it once a month or so...
Wish they'd do this across the mouth of tampa bay!
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