
Monday 22 June 2009

Henry VIII

The King leaves Tower Hill to be rowed up the Thames to Hampton Court. (his favourite palace). The last time he made this trip was 500 years ago!


Anonymous said...

Just finished reading the Boleyn inheritance... shoot that madman before he makes any damage!!! lol

Candie said...

Didn't know he would come to London this week,well another time

Unknown said...

He sure looks like he haven't aged a day:-)

Maria Grazia said...

Why didn't they ask Jonathan Rhys Meyers to take part in the historical costume parade?

Hilda said...

I love the costumes! Whatever this was about, it looks grand.

Renata said...

Hi Mo,
I've been following your blog for a while and I just love your photos. Thanks for checking out my Blog and leaving a comment ... I started last month and it's good to know people are checking it out, even if it is in Portuguese only (so far ...).

PeterParis said...

With which wife?

Anonymous said...

He looks damn fine for being over 500 years old :P

Sharon said...

What would he think of the changes to his fine city if he really did show up for a quick visit?

Babzy.B said...

wow , this a costume i wouln't wear , this man was a little bit bloodthirsty ;) But beautiful reconstructrion !

Jenny said...

He's better looking here than his other pictures :)

Garry said...

King Henry looks like he has lost a lot of weight....

Thanks for adding me to your blog roll and I have done the same.

stromsjo said...

Gee, I wish I had a favourite palace. Then again, it's so difficult to choose!

lunarossa said...

Fantastic! I didn't know about this...I'm a big fan of the Tudors, although Henry VIII is not my favourite. Ciao. A.

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