
Sunday 5 July 2009

Preparation for Guests

London is getting a makeover in time for the 2012 Olympics. This fountain at Marble Arch is one of the many to benefit from extensive work in recent weeks. Doubling as an impromptu swimming pool this week as temperatures in the city soar to mid 30's.


Karen said...

Will have to check it out - didn't know about the changes there!

WhatKathyDid said...

Ditto. I could do with a dunk.

Hilda said...

No kidding, people are allowed to dunk themselves in your public fountains?

Looks lovely!

Leif Hagen said...

Good day, Mo! What a refreshing foto! I surprised to not see some people dangling their feet in the water from the edge. Ahhh!

Tanya Breese said...

It's so inviting!

Bob Crowe said...

Looks refreshing. Hard to believe those temps in London, particularly as I sit here in unseasonably cool New Jersey at 21 degrees.

chrome3d said...

There should be more of those even if the really warm days are just a memory most of the year.

Jenny Woolf said...

Wish there were more proper swimming pools!

Ruela said...

nice swing pool you have Mo ;)

marley said...

Good place to cool off! I bet London will be like a different city by 2012.

Babzy.B said...

i'd like to swim in this fountain ;)Beautiful place !

primavera123 said...

OMG! The last time I was in London (a few months ago) the traffic, horrendous on a normal day, was doubly horrendous because half the streets are being torn up with construction in preparation for the Olympics. If you've never been to the UK and are used to American streets, you're in for a shock. British streets (and parking spots) are a good 50% smaller than their American counterparts.

Anonymous said...

These fountains remind me of my July 4th festivities. Love this picture!

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