
Tuesday 11 August 2009

Do Not Disturb

Have you noticed that it's always blokes that go fishing. Just sitting there all day without a word. That is until some one as nosy as me passes by and asks lots of questions. Catch anything? What fish are in there? What bait do you use? etc. Well I can report there were pike this day. Although there are a few large carp in there.

This idyllic pond/lake is in Epping Forest, north-east London, covering 6,000 acres it's the right place to get away from it all.

As so many large forest areas seemed to have been, this was once a royal hunting ground. However since Victorian times by virtue of an act of parliament the forest has been placed in the care of the City of London. Their role is one of conservation and to keep it an open space for us all to use.


Angie said...

Pure escapism - well caught!

Anonymous said...

Amazing picture. This really captures summer at its best.

But chicks go fishing too!! At least in upstate NY.

Karine said...

Great picture, he sure does seem to be feeling laid back!

B SQUARED said...

The "most serious" fisherman don't even use hooks. It might disturb their concentration should they catch something.


Lovely picture Mo. In response to your post - yes please, I do need to email you - what is your email address though ?

chrome3d said...

It´s an excuse to do nothing. I have no idea as I never fish.

Maria Grazia said...

WOW! I can hear the silence of the place and feel its calm. I'd like to be there. I'd read a book or watch the beautiful green around instead of fishing but , I'd really love to be there this moment. It's so hot here! Cheers, Mo!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Nosy Bugger. I've found that most Fishing Trips are just excuses for the guy to go drinkin'. They never catch much - if they do - they always "threw it back".

Andrew said...

Wow, looks so peacful. Seemingly a far cry from the hectic London.

Anonymous said...


¤ ¤ ¤


Michael said...

A visual interpretation of summer idyll at its best. Great photo, Mo.

Babzy.B said...

Nice shot , don't wake up the fischer man dreaming of fishes ;)

Anonymous said...

I feel relaxed just looking at that wonderful photo. Thanks

David Macaulay said...

We're usually escaping from women.

Ruela said...



Kaori said...

Lazying around the lake, that sounds wonderful!

Sun said...

Hi friend.. Great post.. I have added you to my blogroll.. hope you too will add me…(

Carraol said...

The place looks perfect for an afternoon of relax, away from worldly noise. Great post!

Aimz said...

He looks totally relaxed, I love fishing btw :-)

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