
Wednesday 9 September 2009

Lots of Fun

I had lots of fun on my wee break with friends in Italy and arrived back to a sunny London.
This picture taken at Southbank on a summery afternoon seemed the perfect picture today. Don't you just love his smile.


Kaori said...

He's definitely having fun! If I were on that, I would be to :D

alestedemadrid said...

Welcome back! I´ve missed these happy and colourful images of London every day...

Maria Grazia said...

Great! It perfectly conveys the great fun you had! Welcome back! Did you like Italy?

Angie said...

Nice to have you back! Nice sunny day, nice sunny smile, umbrella, just in case!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, that dude looks totally carefree and happy as a lark! I envy such unadulterated joy!

Karine said...

You're never too old to ride a Merry-go-Round :o)

Leif Hagen said...

Never to big to act like a kid - or at least, that's what I constantly say and tell others! Weeee

Babzy.B said...

Great shot and smile , i like the way he is dressed ;)

Luis Gomez said...

What a fun image. I love his smile and the colorful setting.

Anna said...

It's so colorful and cheery it looks like an ad. "Come to London!"

Mara said...

He looks like he's having a blast on there! Great capture

Clau said...

Bell'foto! Mi piace tantissimo il suo sonriso!! Vedi che si diverta! Stunning.

Anonymous said...

great smile

great pic, mo

× × ×


Michael said...

Love it. Captures the day and the moment perfectly.

B SQUARED said...

Welcome back. Whatever he has, I hope it was contagious.

Aimz said...

It looks like he's reliving his childhood lol

The Lone Beader® said...

One of these days I am going to arrive back to a sunny London! ;)

marley said...

Glad you had a good trip.

This is a great photo. The carousel is so colourful. I tried to get some photos of it back last year. They all came out blurred, and not in a good way :(

VP said...

Nice shot, perfectly snapped!

Anonymous said...


Linda said...

Definitely the inner child coming out!

WhatKathyDid said...

Absolutely brilliant expression. Makes me happy just looking at it. Well done again Mo!

I ♥ NY said...

what an awesome picture! i love the colors and the fun!

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