
Monday 19 October 2009

The Adventurer

Let's start this week with some real inspiration.
Let me introduce you to Joff Summerfield an adventurer extraordinaire. He rode around the world on this pennyfarthing he is standing next to. A two year adventure from 2006 to 2008 that took him through 23 countries.
In his workshop at Trinity Buoy Wharf he makes and repairs a range of vintage bikes..


Mara said...

That must have been a great sight to see!

Gunn said...

This is the most surprising "news" I have had/seen so far to day! What a man!!:-)

Leif Hagen said...

I'd like to see he bike with Lance Armstrong on that bike! Great story - cool biker dude!

Babzy.B said...

what an amazing story !!


good grief - he must have been really saddle-sore !

Rashed said...

That sounds like an amazing adventure. I read on the page you linked to that he visited 23 countries on his penny-farthing. Going to 23 countries on a regular bike would be something, but on a penny-farthing? Incredible.

stromsjo said...

Apparently, he also ended up in a Penny Farthing World Championships where he competed in the novice category. With this kind of project I wouldn't consider him a novice really.

Luis Gomez said...

Really nice. I had never seen one of those bikes.

Lucy Corrander said...

I've never fathomed how one gets off a penny farthing. Was it a non-stop ride?


Unknown said...

an adventurer indeed!

The Lone Beader® said...


marley said...

That is amazing! And uncomfortable I bet!

Ken Mac said...

wow. and he still has a smile on his face!

Anonymous said...

There still is a lot of dreamers in the world, living their dreams.

PeterParis said...

So nice that there are people like this!

Anna said...

Wow. 23 countries and two years on that thing. wow.

Stefan Jansson said...

My kind of story!

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