
Sunday 4 October 2009

The Long Walk

Most visitors to Windsor Castle enter from the gate in the town of Windsor and don't get to see this spectacular entrance, known as the long walk. Stretching 3 miles from the castle to the copper statue of King George III on a horse.
Originally lined on each side by 1652 elm trees, these are gone now, having fallen victim to dutch elm disease. An inquiry and lots of meetings to discuss the problem (sound familiar?) and then, nearly 50 years after the elms had died an agreement was finally reached, and the horse chestnut trees were planted in a widened walk.


A Daft Scots Lass said...


Angie said...

Does everyone get to ride in a horse & carriage, with maybe the chance to play conkers on the way to the big house?

Maria Grazia said...

In fact I lost it too. Thanks for letting us see it and discovering its existence. Impressive. I'll try to enter Windsor Castle from there next time I'll be there. Great Sunday to you all!

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful.

Paula said...

So beautiful!
This is the England I saw first time I went there: the magnificent colours of Autumn mixing with the green, fallen leaves on the lawn.

Karine said...

Absolutely's that kind of scenery that makes me absolutely dream of visiting England.

Sharon said...

You are so right. I've never seen the spectacular entrance. Someday I hope to!

Julie said...

what a beautiful long walk. Sad to hear about the previous trees. glad they finally replanted as these trees look like they belong.

Anonymous said...

i'll bet
the mailman
is not too impressed


marley said...

Excellent photo. I like the leaves on the grass, looks like a colourful carpet.

Anna said...

What a way to approach a castle. Just beautiful

Amber said...

Gorgeous shot, and great story to boot.

Babzy.B said...

wonderful view...

B SQUARED said...

Are you on a first name basis with the Windsors?

Karen said...

Wow - you timed the autumn leaves just right. Around here you tend to find them green one day and then bare the next (without much colour change) with all the leaves on the ground from a sudden gust of wind. I truly miss the foliage from my native NY state.

PeterParis said...

I did the Long Walk one, at least partly, mybe in 1960?

Unknown said...

I would love to take that walk.

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine swishing my way through the crunching leaves in the cool air, and finishing up with a nice hot cup of tea at the end...

Coffeedoff said...

Beautiful photo!

Tammy said...

Oh to see London in the Fall.
It's on the list!

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