
Sunday 6 December 2009

Romantic London

An idyllic setting for a little romance.
One of the many ice-skating rinks in London during the winter months, this one is in front of the Natural History Museum.


A Daft Scots Lass said...


Aidyyl~tjan! said...

I really love ice-skating. And London ice rink settings are so romantic~~<3
However my boyfriend cant skate at most of the romance is killed through bumps and bruises. lol

Anonymous said...

Aw... this makes me smile and feel nostalgic just looking at it. I remember a London Christmas not long back, and it felt much like this picture captures.... Thanks... I think this is my favorite picture you've ever taken!

Leif Hagen said...

Nice romantic Christmas kiss photo! Outdoor ice-skating is wonderful. I'm waiting for the nearby rink to open just outside our neighborhood!

Anna said...

A fabulous picture. It is so beautiful and full of emotion, Holiday Spirit, Winter full, nostalgia and history.

jabblog said...

Very romantic - ahhhhh!

Tammy said...

So romantic!

Candie said...

Really beautiful picture

Unknown said...

A great shot.

Karine said...

This is a beautiful, beautiful shot, thanks so much for sharing :o)


Shock, horror ! Actual pictures of people skating !!!!!

jennyfreckles said...

Aah, maybe this will become as famous a picture as the Robert Doisneau one of lovers in Paris.

Maria Grazia said...

Awww! How romantic!

Babzy.B said...

Great shot , like all the details in the capture... so romantic !

Lucie said...

Awww, I'd fancy a kiss in exactly that spot too. Nice.

Gunn said...

Nice and RoMaNtIc shot!! :-)

Gunn said...

Nice and RoMaNtIc shot!! :-)

marley said...

Mo, you old romantic! That is a really lovely photo (yes, I'm an old romantic!) Infact I'm going to say one of your best that includes people. Really good.

The Lone Beader® said...

Sweet, Mo!

Mirela said...

Very romantic, with a funny twist. Have you noticed a guy in the back in an awkward position, ready to fall? :)

jkatze said...

I LOVE the picture!

Kaori said...

mo this shot is so romantic! could be a poster for a xmas movie :)

Tussy said...

Love this picture! I'm envy too.

Unknown said...

Fantastic composition! This seems to be a frame of a romantic movie! :-)

Tinsie said...

Fab shot! I love it. It makes me want to put on my skates and find someone to kiss :-)

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.

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