
Tuesday 26 January 2010


You just might find an old Roman coin while exploring the banks of the Thames


Babzy.B said...

Or a very nice pebble ;)

Jenny Woolf said...

Definitely a good idea to take gumboots - and check the tide tables before you go!

niny said...

Hello londoner! :)

jabblog said...

. . . or you might find something unspeakable ;-) No, I'll go with the Roman coin!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I think I'll pass on trying to find a coin amongst all the other crap

Karine said...

I love how you guys can find all sorts of fascinating things, like roman coins, just by digging in your yard or walking along the river bank! No chance of that here lol

Anonymous said...
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Angie said...

WTF was all that about!!!
Back to your pic, Mo.
Love the two 'mudlarks'

The Lone Beader® said...

I would love to find an old Roman coin there!

Aimz said...

wow that's awesome, we'd never find something that old here in nz.

Anonymous said...


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