
Wednesday 13 January 2010

Regent's Park

More snow today in London. Starting to want a bit of sunshine now.


Erin said...

I understand the want of sunshine, but the stark contrast between the trees and the ground is beautiful. Great shot! :)

Luis Gomez said...

Nicely composed shot. Sorry about the snow I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

i'm a sucker
for a perspective shot :)

and i love bleak northern winter scenes!

× × ×


Anonymous said...

Dig the shot.

Now you know how people in northeast USA feel in the winter!

Sharon said...

All that snow makes for pretty scenery, but I know what you mean about sunshine. After the gray days, sunshine is needed.

Anna said...

I agree with the wanting a bit of sunshine, but really it isn't that much snow. What we Midwesterners would call a dusting. :-)

Janet M Kincaid said...

I had another foot (20 cm or so) today. Ugh. Enough already!

jennyfreckles said...

More snow in Yorkshire too. Boo! But I like your pic - the lines of trees seem to go on forever.

Dave said...

Me too. I'm fed up with the white stuff, its very pretty but it can curtail what you want to do. Nice pics though.

Babzy.B said...

nice view , yes i miss the sun too ;)

Jenny Woolf said...

I looked at some photos I took in summer and felt a lot better. Strange. Usually I like winter but I'm starting to feel like it's a monster. I posted something on my blog which shows how I feel, hope you don't mind the's horrible!

Kaori said...

I see the man trying to skirt out of your shot...and not quite making it :) Beautiful photo of this lane! I could use a bit of sunshine myself...

Jill said...

I was there! Oh London, i miss you :/

- Lin@ - said...

nice shot!
miss London too.. ;)

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