
Saturday 13 March 2010

City Cow

City cow, suitable for apartment living, raised outdoors, organic, happy.
What else needs to go on the label?


Lucy Corrander said...

That does look fantastic.

There's an abandoned pub not far from where I live with a huge white stag on the roof above the porch. I often wish I could take it and put it outside my house.


Lachezar said...

Love the cow, seems to be right at home...

Babzy.B said...

very funny , an original pet ;)

Anna said...

Well that will make people stop and look again. Very cute.

Kaori said...

Free milk?

Karine said...

LOL that is too funny!

Mara said...

It doesn't eat much I guess...

Fio said...

Amusing :-)

Sharon said...

Perhaps "not afraid of heights"? said...

Funny shot, indeed! Nice to see that in London.

Anonymous said...

I totally have a thing for cows. And this totally rocks.

Unknown said...

Where's his friend the pirate and the other characters from the milk adverts?

Stefan Jansson said...

Very nice. Reminds me of a wooden cow I have photographed for my blog a few times.

Chuck Pefley said...

One must add "docile and easy clean-up" to the label -:)

Accidental Londoner said...

One of my old local pubs had two on the roof - no idea why!

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