
Saturday 20 March 2010


A grasshopper's view of the snowdrops a couple of weeks ago. They're finished now and the daffodils are slowly arriving. In the UK most snowdrops are found around churches, graveyards and priories.
In medieval times the church planted them for the feast of candelmass. This feast for the purification of the virgin mother takes place 40 days after Christmas.
Whether fact or myth I don't know, but certainly is where you will see wonderful displays of these delicate flowers


BernieH said...

It's a lovely grasshopper's view of these gorgeous blooms. This is not a familiar sight in my part of the world ... they're so lovely.

Maria Grazia said...

Lovely catch, Mo. Thanks for reminding us that spring's here!
Have a joyful weekend!

jabblog said...

Beautiful! We have just ONE in our garden - I think the field mice eat the bulbs, bless them.

Anonymous said...

Great capture. One of my favorites.

ninja said...

Beautiful and truly springish!

Liza said...

This is so lovely! I love the blur of the person in the background :)

Mo said...

Very nice Mo!

Anna said...

After a week of lovely springlike weather, we woke up to snow today. So this was just the boost I was after, thanks. said...

Wonderful. Great spring shot!

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

PhotoPuddle said...

What a gorgeous photo.

jennyfreckles said...

They are a welcome sight after the winter. I didn't know that about Candlemas, but it's true there are a lot of snowdrops in churchyards.

Babzy.B said...

really nice point of view ;)

The Lone Beader® said...

Reminds me of a very beautiful song by a British band called Pineapple Thief. Check out Snowdrops: HERE. Enjoy!

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