
Thursday 1 April 2010

Theme Day - Red

First of the month is CDP theme day. This month is red.

I stumbled upon this tour guide with her lovely red brolly conveniently by a red telephone box.

Take time to visit the other variations on red.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Tinsie said...

This photo is great! What a find.

Gerald (SK14) said...

a fine juxtaposition

Chuck Pefley said...

All the red telephone kiosks make this just too easy for you! Glad you also included the red bumbershoot -:)

Nice choice!

Kate said...

Red photographs so well! How lucky for you to capture the umbrella by the telephone box!

The Lone Beader® said...


Sharon said...

I love this shot! Perfect for theme day.

Babzy.B said...

can't be more red :)

glduro_marieloupe said...

We was waiting for a red telephone box in London! And she appeared! But we love the red umbrella! Great idea, great photo of the month!

Anonymous said...

Today is the perfect day for red!

Anna said...

Love this photo -- so very English to have the red phone box and an umbrella.

Gunn said...

I love the umbrella!:-)
And the phone box ad even more RED to the photo.
A good choice!

Virginia said...

Weren't you lucky and on the spot with your camera! V

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Great photo for Theme Day, love those old red telephone boxes. The red brolly is a great find.
Melbourne Daily Photo

Hilda said...

And I like her umbrella. :)

slim said...

Red brellie and tellie . . . how perfect!

Leif Hagen said...

Super! Red telephone booth and Red umbrella - nice pairing! Perfect for theme day today!

T. Becque said...

Great one for theme day!

Louis la Vache said...

Perfect for the theme day! Those red phone booths are almost as iconic for London as the Golden Gate Bridge is for San Francisco!

Eleonora Baldwin said...

I bet the umbrella was an unexpected bonus while taking a shot at the phone booth!

Bravo, excellent capture.

Thank you for your kind visit and comment over at my RED wine ppst!

Eleonora | Roma Every Day

Unknown said...

Two in one! Great shot!

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