
Monday 12 April 2010


With a general election only weeks away politicians are campaigning hard with all parties talking of job losses.

Pensioners, trade unions and students marched through the streets of London on Saturday to convey their message that cuts would not be tolerated. That ordinary people should not be expected to pay the price for failure of the banking sector.


Laurent said...

Same thing in France is beginning about pensions ...

B SQUARED said...

It will be interesting to follow what takes place.

William K Wallace said...

If you are a politician you don't have to worry about not getting a good pension. These guys screw us in the ass big time and as usual they make sure they are looked after well, while the ordinary people are left just to accept that's just the way it is.

Bill said...

The world is keenly watching the UK election.

PeterParis said...

All these nice speeches we had about the cleaning up of the banking sector .... and what has happened? I would almost be ready to go out demonstrating as well.

jabblog said...

I think there will be great discontent throughout the nation no matter who forms the next government. If it really is to be a very hot summer it may well be a violent one too.

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