
Sunday 9 May 2010

Contemplation and Negotiation

As the UK's politicians contemplate and negotiate their way forward to govern they would do well to consider Ghandhi's seven sins:
  • Wealth without work
  • Pleasure without conscience
  • Knowledge without character
  • Commerce without morality
  • Science without humility
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principle


jennyfreckles said...

How wise and how true.

Julie said...

Oh, yes. I admire this list.

alestedemadrid said...

Good image and good advise for everyone. Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Brilliant reminder. But perhaps they are universal.

H said...

If only..!

Anna said...

Love everything about today's post.

Sharon said...

Our politicians would do well to consider these words too!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Thank you for posting Ghandi's seven sins. We should all start our day reading them. Love the artistic election day photo as well as the blog in general!


Anonymous said...

up w/o down
ying w/o yang
beer w/o pretzels
rowan w/o martin
pink w/o floyd

ok, not really sins, but still...

× × ×


Babzy.B said...

it's the perfect post and shot for the situation , clever Mo !

Rob Siemann said...

If only... You probably know this very old irish joke... St Patrick chased all snakes out of Ireland. Where did they go? They went to London and became politicians.

Sanjay said...

Loved going through your blog. Just a comment - it's Gandhi, not Ghandi.

Mo said...

Corrected thanks Sanjay

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