
Tuesday 4 May 2010

Hands on Pizza's

Last week a group of us were invited to PizzaExpress to be taught by the maestro himself, leading chef Antonio Romani, how to make pizza.

On the whole we didn't do too bad, although perhaps some of us might not look to a career as a pizza chef.
Our creations were based on the new spring menu. Very tasty they were too!

Fancy trying some yummy pizza yourself?

To go in the draw for a £10 voucher at any PizzaExpress restaurant simply answer the following question:
How many PizzaExpress restaurants are there in London:
  1. 98
  2. 82
  3. 119
  4. 105

Leave your answer in the comments or send an email to:

The winner will be announced on Thursday. Good luck.


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna say 119

lunarossa said...

What a great experience it must have been, Mo! I love Pizza Express, I find it better than many other Italian restaurants in the UK that consider themselves REAl Italian! I'm not sure how many PExpress are in London. I'd say 82 as there approx 340 all over Britain. Wish me luck. Ciao. A.

Sharon said...

What fun! This is a great photo to represent this event!

misayamamoto said...

I'm going with 105 - Although I don't even live in UK I've been there several times on my visits - I love Pizza Express!!

Lizzie Tallis said...

I would like lo learn to make a pizza with the Pizza Express maestro.

I hope you had fun!!


James Mark said...

Some interesting shots of this great city that we have visited many times. I don't think we've "spoken" before, so thanks for your call to JorvikDailyPhoto and best wishes for your blogging.

The Lone Beader® said...

Love pizza!

The Lone Beader® said...

Love pizza!

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