
Saturday 22 May 2010

Modern Smoker

Doorways, little alleys and side streets, entrances to rail stations, pub entrances, these places are now the domain of the cigarette smoker.


Luis Gomez said...

Excelent! Great shot.

H said...

I hate walking out of buildings through a cloud of cigarette smoke; but better than the smole being IN the building.
BTW, When you have a spare moment, pls take a look at my post for today :)

darkfoam said...

love the black and white, the partial profile of the anonymous person. texting and smoking .. classic image.

The Lone Beader® said...

Can't smoke inside, and can't smoke outside. What's a smoker to do?

William K Wallace said...

It is about time that they banned smokers from smoking in public places, if they want to smoke they can do it at home... said...

What an impressive shot. Really great work.

Kaori said...

And everyone constantly has a cellphone in one hand :D

Mandy said...

Hee. I have always been a non-smoker so being able to go to clubs and pubs and only having to clean my winter coat once a season has been fantastic!

Leg-iron said...

Excellent photo. Says it all, really.

Unknown said...

Fantastic shot, looks great and captures such common site in a new way.

Unknown said...

Agreed Leg-iron

Karl Astel said...

It is about time that they banned smokers from smoking in public places, if they want to smoke they can do it at home...

At home? Home!!!? But there might be children in their homes! If I had my way, they'd all be in camps surrounded by barbed wire and electric fences... until, of course, some sort of "final solution" could be invented to deal with them. It sounds harsh, but I get a really big kick out of exercising my petty prejudices against defenceless minority groups who are already discriminated against by the law. No, you do not get a "smoking room". Because we all hate you.

David Davis said...

The treatment of smokers in modern GramscoFabiaNazi Britain is repellent, and also disgusting. I am ashaomed to be British when I think of you people, and have to imagine that I share a nation of human beings with you.

Those of you who support the "ban on smoking in workplaces, pubs, shops, vans with more than one person in them, in the "presence of public service employees (whatever those might be) " and suchlike, have forgotten that the first country to do such a thing was Nazi Germany.

If smoking is so bad, why not just make it illegal? Oh, I forgot, you need the taxation revenue!

But of course, by still pretending to allow it, you get the money still, and mostly from poor people, you scumbag socialists that you are, while being able to pretend to yourselves that other humans are your farm-animals, to be "choice-edited" by you.

On my blog, at , you will be able to serch for articles such as "ten good reasons why you should smoke".

I would not smoke even if you paid me (but of course we all, including you, have our price...) but the assault on smokers as a demonised group is only a harbinger of what is to come, for other groups. It will be "drinkers" next - then "motorists", and then possibly "Islamists", who can tell what will happen each time a target is achieved. Muslims, you better watch out - socialists in the West pretend to be your friends, but they want you only as patsies for an excuse to imposr more regulation of everyone. And lots of you are also harmless smokers!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photo - reminds me of those intern camps in WW2 of which photos show inmates reaching out from behind their bars.


Spartan said...

Please, please would all you anti-smokers go to a licensed bikers club l know of and tell them to stop smoking inside. They've been breaking the law ever since it came in and no-one has done anything about it. :)

Dick Puddlecote said...

"Doorways, little alleys and side streets, entrances to rail stations, pub entrances, these places are now the domain of the cigarette smoker."

Yep. And even that isn't enough. Anti-smokers want them too.

@William K Wallace above.

Junican said...

Isn't it weird how the anti-smokers are never happy? We know that, but why is it so difficult for them to understand that the people (government officials) who created the ban have been clearly shown to be corrupt (one might think of the former Health Secretary) and that EVERYONE KNOWS that the (nearly) former unelected Chief Medical Officer, Sir (clinically obese) Liam Donald Duck, used his position to FORCE the government to do what he wanted them to do - or face the consequences (the consequences being that these stupid wafflers known as MPs and Ministers refused to do what the EXPERTS told them to do - shame! Horror!). Even now, at this moment, the EU equivalents of Sir LD are dictating that we must all either cease to have Energy to heat our homes or pay most of our income for Energy.

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