
Monday 14 June 2010

Naked Bike Ride

The unsuspecting bike rider on the right was rather stunned to suddenly find himself surrounded by naked riders.
Cars were stopped as hundreds of riders taking part in the world naked bike ride cycled over Westminster Bridge on Saturday afternoon.

33 comments: said...

What a funny but economic idea. Look the BP disaster and the adverse effects for the nature, for all of us! I salute the naked persons for their courage. Bravo!

irinapictures said...

I loooove London :-))))

Caroline said...

Only in London! Hope the weather was warm.

Anonymous said...

I think this is great and the way God meant people to be. Lots of long beards, and on older gentlemen, the privates would even be covered. As it is, with clothes, we are left to our imaginations as to how old men look and how old women look. Thank God for naked people.

jabblog said...

Ooh, painful . . . hope no-one fell off!

Hull and Hereabouts said...

Was it Betjeman who said “I think that I should like
To be the saddle of a bike.”?

Anonymous said...

There are just too many words...

Babzy.B said...

So funny , i wish i could have seen that :) Like the red hand ;)

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

We blinked and the 1970's fast forwarded! Wonder who made the red handprint!!!!?????


Tussy said...

I saw in the TV news, must be interesting to see those bikes.

Mike said...

Love this one, makes me miss the somewhat eccentric British behaviour that is part of UK life.

Sharon said...

This event hasn't caught on here in least that I know of.

Luis Gomez said...

Great demonstration!

PepeB said...

Love it.

Anna said...

Now that is something you do not see every day.

Karine said...

That has to be one of the most effective methods of demonstration ever thought up! I wish they would do that here instead of climbing up the bridges and blocking traffic! At least of you stop driving to look at naked people you're voluntarily stopped!

Anonymous said...

ouch~probaby the man loved it.

jennyfreckles said...

He would be surprised... You could have given this picture the same title as yesterday's post!

Borboleta said...

Is it cold? probably not. I love the picture.

PhotoPuddle said...

Ha ha! Love the look on the clothed cyclists face!

William K Wallace said...

I swear I saw someone cycling over Westminister Bridge that looked like a Orangutn, it was a disgusting sight and you should have seen her husband..!

Anonymous said...

Lol, I somehow manage to miss this every year and get a few friends texting me saying "hey! there's naked people riding bikes!"

Anonymous said...

Lol, I somehow manage to miss this every year and get a few friends texting me saying "hey! there's naked people riding bikes!"

Boom Nisanart said...

Funny !!!!
how can ignore them : )

Rob said...

Wondering if the clothed bicyclist on the right crashed; he's not watching the road. LOL

Tash said...

That's a butt ugly butt! (sorry, this is the only time ever I would get to use that phrase). What a hoot. Now, I gotta catch up with the rider in front...and plan to take my bike out for a spin with CLOTHING. ;)

John said...

It takes all kinds. In Barcelona a couple of weeks ago there was a guy talking to a film crew when we entered one of the little squares, butt naked and suntanned. It seems he spends all day cycling naked around the city. Whatever floats your boat.

D6 said...


T. Becque said...

Oh that's funny!

The Lone Beader® said...


Nathalie said...

Well, 30 comments, naked sells! (Tabloids have known this for a long time)

I wonder if the world naked bike ride took place in France too. Somehow it doesn't seem like a very French thing to do - to me that's typical of British eccentricity. Love it!

Nathalie said...

Oh and by the way, the slogan is brilliant!

islandgirl4ever2 said...


That is soooo cool!!!! The do something in SF every year with naked runners!! Whooo hoooo!
Have a great week!

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