
Sunday 20 June 2010

Sunday Bridges - Stroll over Westminster

Westminster Bridge, the oldest in London, with its Gothic arches was opened in 1862. At the time it was badly needed to help relieve the badly congested routes of the Strand and Oxford Streets from London Bridge.

The green paint work of the bridge is the same colour as the leather seats in the house of commons.

Other Sunday Bridges can be seen courtesay of host Louis La Vache.


cieldequimper said...


IleDuLevant said...

And in the distance you can see the red Lambeth Bridge, painted the same colour as the seats in that end of the Palace Of Westminster, the House Of Lords.

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful composition!
Happy Sunday
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Anonymous said...

Grand picture!!!

Unknown said...

Great shot!

Emm said...

Wow. That is a fantastic shot Mo! Brilliant composition!

Luis Gomez said...

What a beauty of a take. Really great!

Louis la Vache said...

Ah! «Louis» didn't know the story of the green color on this bridge! A fine contribution to Sunday Bridges, Mo! «Louis» thanks you!

Anonymous said...

I love that green color.

Gunn said...

A very nice bridge. And I like the way that you have composed your photo. I also like the lamp post.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a gorgeous photo! great composition.

Caroline said...

Was it early in the morning? It looks so peaceful and quiet. Absolutely amazing shot.

this too will pass said...

good stuff

Sharon said...

I love this shot. There is so much to see. The amazing detail of the bridge, that distant bridge, the dense skyline, the boats along the bank and finally, that wonderful Buddhist monk in his saffron robes! Fantastic capture.

Anonymous said...

I love it!

PhotoPuddle said...

What a great photo. So well observed.

irinapictures said...

Bravo the composition. Great shot.

jennyfreckles said...

I should have thought that was a fairly rare sight - a Buddhist monk on a London bridge? But his robes are a lovely contrast to the green.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

A study in contrasts of architecture, time, color, and cultures. Well caught.

Tash said...

It couldn't of come out more perfect. Wow. I adore all the details, the light post, the mosaic, the railing, and OF COURSE, the monk, the bridge in the background, the stacked buildings.

Maria Grazia said...

What a wonderful shot!!!

T. Becque said...

Brilliant shot!

Babzy.B said...

your compo is absolutly great , i love it :)

Witness said...

Wat a shot!

Leif Hagen said...

That's a fantastic BRIDGE photo! The monk and his clothes really make the picture!

William K Wallace said...

I love the amazing views that you get either side of Westminister Bridge. It is quite probably my favourite bridge as far as views are conerned in London.

Mike said...

Mo great did you find a Buddhist monk in London?

Tinsie said...

What a capture!! It combines so many elements it's totally amazing :-)

Pink said...

how how how do you get so many amazing photos...this is just stunning.


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