
Friday 2 July 2010

The Beach

Last weekend a Greek Beach appeared along Southbank. A few hours earlier it was so crowded not a space of sand could be seen. Music, food and travel agents were doing their best to entice you to go and visit the real thing.


Witness said...

Love the colors!

irinapictures said...

They sure know what they do!
Though reading posts of Robert from Athens Daily Photos about the strikes Greece, the positive choice seems in doubt.

Helena said...

Hahaha! What a great way to sell a real thing! =)

jabblog said...

Fabulous idea - what fun!

Kate said...

It wouldn't take much to enticeme. What fun to sit at a beach table, wiggling one's toes in the sand while eating and drinking. Hope there's music, too!

Luis Gomez said...

What a great idea! Love it.

Sharon said...

Very inviting! Are you going to go?

PhotoPuddle said...

Looks just like the real thing!

Gunn said...

Creative way to promote Greece! Looks nice and Soutbank is one of my favorite places to visit when I am in London.

H said...

What fun! To go to that much trouble, they must believe in what they are 'selling'.

BTW: I've posted an answer to your query about the power station.

elisabetta said...

ciao,sono appena tornata da londra ma le tue foto mi fanno rivenire voglia di tornarci al piĆ¹ presto.

William K Wallace said...

Having been to Corfu on a couple of occasions it sure is a great place to go on holiday...Almost makes me want to blow up my credit card and head to a nice Greek island for a month or two...

Anonymous said...

just now the temperature in London is as hot as in Greece And so it is in Sweden too at least where I live And the sun is up almost al nigth long

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice idea, although the chairs and tables doesn't look very Greek! I will have a glass of Ouzo 12 please.

Anonymous said...

Such a fanciful picture. Makes me want to visit there desperately.

lunarossa said...

London is really amazing, Mo. Ciao. A.

T. Becque said...

Nice set up! Good idea for advertising.

Pink said...

Wow...thats lovely...the blues with the twilit sky. Beautiful.

I think I need a trip to Greece, just past Waterloo.


Unknown said...

I would never say this is London! Very clever marketing!

Anna said...

Looks like so much fun, what a great way to entice people to spend too much money.

Cheryl G. said...

Love all the different blue and the mauve of the sky.

Tinsie said...

That's a great shot! I spent many happy hours at the Greek Beach, shame they didn't keep it longer....

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