
Monday 26 July 2010

Mannheim by Mark Alexander

As part of St Paul's Cathedral Arts Project two exciting new works by British Artist mark Alexander hang either side of the nave. They look magnificent on the plain stone walls.
I cant think of anywhere else they would look so stunning. Make the effort to go and see these works, there for the summer.

Both entitled Red Mannheim, Alexander’s large red silkscreens are inspired by the Mannheim
Cathedral altarpiece (1739-41), which was looted by Allied forces after an air raid in the Second
World War. The original sculpture depicts Christ on the cross, surrounded by a familiar retinue
of mourners. Rendered in splendid gilt wood, with Christ’s wracked body sculpted in relief, and
the flourishes of flora and incandescent rays from heaven, this masterpiece of the German
Rococo is an object of ravishing beauty and intense piety.


Angie said...

As you say "stunning"!!

B SQUARED said...

Must be incredible to see in person.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. I can't wait to check that out in person!

Hilda said...

Even without the silkscreens, the cathedral itself is magnificent. But you're right, the artwork belongs on that wall.

Ruela said...


Karine said...

What a beautiful work of art and you described it wonderfully!

Tinsie said...

Interesting angle - I like it.

jabblog said...

Splendid setting for an outstanding work.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Like the design of buliding

Colleen said...

Oh, I'm so happy I stumbled on your blog today--you have such an eye for London observations. Looking forward to continue following.

St. Paul's never fails to make me gawk, at the inside and out. I'm keen to check out this new artwork now, so thanks for the heads-up.

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