
Wednesday 28 July 2010


Rio de Janeiro meets London at Southbank.

An idea that began in the slums of Rio de Janeiro in 1997 by a youth who used bricks and recycled materials to build his quarter of the city. A bit like lego I guess.

Project Morrinho has grown to become a social and cultural project aiming to change lives in the favelas. (slums).

This installation was a collaboration between young people in London and those involved in the project in Rio de Janeiro. Buildings in London sit alongside the back streets of Rio.


Tinsie said...

Interesting! I might pop round to have a look myself.

P.S. Isn't it Rio de Janeiro?

Mo said...

oops. Thanks Tinsie, fixed now

B SQUARED said...

Our officials would never allow something as practical as that.

Renata said...

Amazing Mo! If there were no people in front of it, one could think you pictured part of a favela.

Anonymous said...

This photo is a contradiction in terms. I LOVE IT.

lizziviggi said...

This is so intricate. I love art that brings people together to change circumstances. Good luck to them!

Caroline said...

So much to see and do in London!

Jenny Woolf said...

Interesting. At first glance, I thought it WAS Lego!

Witness said...

I like!

geneline said...

That's really London with fresh eyes.! Thanks!

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