
Thursday 8 July 2010

Play Me I'm Yours

First appearing in 2008 this brilliant summer artwork by Luke Jerram is here again this summer. 21 pianos around the streets of London City there for anyone to play. This one at Bartholomew Hospital turned into a fabulous impromptu concert. A talented pianist was joined by a saxophonist and guitar player.


Witness said...


B SQUARED said...

What a neat idea.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

London is looking relaxed and fun. So much to bring people out to interact. I'm loving your posts!!!


jabblog said...

Wonderful idea :-)

Luis Gomez said...

I so love London! What a great place.

PepeB said...

It's a fab idea, already liked it last year. Wish I'd been there to listen to this impromptu duo.

Anonymous said...

While I'm in the country I should try and find one of these!

irinapictures said...

Fresh and easy city, caring about people who live in it.

Caroline said...

Who knows, maybe Joshua Bell will turn up as he did in a New York subway and accompany one of the piano players!

William K Wallace said...

I stumbled up a girl playing the Piano, overlooking Tower Bridge on Saturday, what a setting, shame about her piano playing abilities though..!

H said...

What a fantastic idea.

Anonymous said...

public spirit
in this art piece

art should be fun

× × ×


Anonymous said...

a londra ci sono sempre brillanti idee ciao elisabetta

jennyfreckles said...

Great idea. At one time a high percentage of people would have been able to play the piano as so many hosueholds had one - but I think far fewer have the skill these days, much less any talent at it.

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