
Tuesday 20 July 2010


The Thames is an amazing archaeological site, much of it accessible to the public. An area of the foreshore by Tower Hill, not usually accessible, was open to the public last weekend during the hours the tide permitted. (Thanks to the Thames Discovery Organisation)
Keen archaeologists donned wellingtons and with buckets of enthusiasm dug the muddy foreshore in search of treasure.

A couple of people were lucky. One woman found a 3rd century Roman coin. This man found a ring, part of a Roman Brooch and a coin.

11 comments: said...

Go to London now! There is a gold rush!

Angie said...

Is it finders keepers? All fits in with a book I'm reading - 'The House by the Thames' by Gillian Tindall.

Stefan Jansson said...

Had it been in Sweden you wouldn't be able to keep it, but I think the law is different in the UK. Nice find it is.

ninja said...

Genuinely sounds like fun!

Caroline said...

What did you find?

Sharon said...

What a find! Amazing.

Karine said...

What an amazing experience, I would love to be able to do that!

jennyfreckles said...

Sounds fun - how exciting to actually find some buried treasure.

Anonymous said...

qui in italia qualsiasi ritrovamento archeologico è dello stato non può essere trattenuto. come funziona in inghilterra? ciao elisabetta

Erin said...

This is soo fantastic! What a great time. I would love to do something like that. Very, very, cool.

AnnaFullStop said...

I bet that what you find in St. Katharine's Dock would be quite an amazing discovery with all those boats and stuff...
one day I should try and go there looking!

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