
Thursday 30 September 2010

Feeding the Swans

Watch out some of them bite.


lunarossa said...

I was attacked (yes, literally attacked) by a swan when I was a kid and it frightened me to death. I must be the only person in the world who hates swans!!!! Great photo, though. Ciao. A.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Cheeky Bird. Brilliant action shot.

Hull and Hereabouts said...

There was a story in the news just the other day about a "killer" swan in Pembroke who had killed 15 rivals (swans that is not photographers!).

Leif Hagen said...

Fun photo! Yikes - I would want a swan bite!

Luis Gomez said...

Didn't realize they could be so aggressive.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. Swans can be mean birds, though! This guy is brave!

Sharon said...

I see those swans can stretch those long necks.

Anna said...

Man alive, that bird is almost as tall as I am.

jabblog said...

Wonderful shot! I think that man must be used to the swans and they to him. I've only ever fed them from a boat!

jennyfreckles said...

Euk! It looks hungry! They are so strong and can be very aggressive.

Karine said...

Brilliant shot! I love swans and saw some up close for the first time last year while canoeing with my boyfriend. He couldn't get over how excited I was, but we have so few of them in Montreal that actually seeing a live one instead of a photo was quite the event for me!

Anonymous said...

bella foto adoro i cigni e mi rilassa guardarli. sono molto reali e da voi c'è ne sono così tanti qui una rarità ....ciao elisabetta

Tinsie said...

That's a great capture! I was in St James's Park earlier today and took some nice pictures of the swans, but nothing as impressive as this!

H said...

They have nasty serrated beaks too! Swans are definitely more beautiful at a safe distance.

Karlson said...

Insolent swan,but good shot! :")

Chris said...

Is that Hyde Park? I saw so many cute ducks and swans while running there in May. I was lucky enough to see the baby ducks. When I took my hubby back later to see them, they were gone. I lucked out. :-)

G said...

I absolutely loathe swans. When I was growing up, a fellow I knew lost an eye to a swan. Everyone thinks they're so lovely and gentle, but they're incredibly savage beasts.

PhotoPuddle said...

I think swans are pretty to look at but that would have scared the life out of me!!

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