
Friday 17 September 2010

Pope in Town

The controversial visit of the Pope has begun.


PepeB said...

Interesting picture to symbolize that visit!

Anonymous said...

That is such a great picture. There's something about it that feels meaningful.

Anonymous said...

visita intensa e piena di controversie .รจ vero!ciao elisabetta.

Sharon said...

It's all over the news here!

Mandy said...

Something feels strange about this whole visit to me. I think it is indeed the controversy, security and the fact that it is a state visit. I have nothing against any cleric of any faith visiting.

Lovely photo. It reminds me that religion in England is almost as old as England itself.

RedPat said...

Great shot - love it!

Anna said...

I find the whole 'state' visit thing a bit odd. Especially the price tag of it. But your photo is fabulous.

William K Wallace said...

Hopefully it will be another 28 years before the next papal vist to the UK...

Karine said...

Very representative shot. The visit is all over the news here and I hope everything goes smoothly!

Babzy.B said...

nice illustration!

Caroline said...


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