
Thursday 21 October 2010


All hands on deck hanging work for the London Independent Photographers 22nd annual exhibition.

The Strand Gallery 19-31 October.
32 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6BP

I am proud to have a picture in this exhibition! Yes really. Do go and check out this work.


Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations! How wonderful.

Angie said...

Well done, you deserve to be hung - in an EXHIBITION I mean!

Anonymous said...

congratulations. ciao elisabetta

A Dagenham Girl said...

congratulations - how exciting for you. Judith

Kaori said...

Wow! That's great, Mo! You'll have to go take a photo of your photo for those of us who can't go to see ;-D

Leovi said...

Receive my congratulations, but I'm far to go see him.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Sharon said...

Oh how I wish I could go! Congratulations to you. That is fantastic.

Anna said...

Congratulations Mo!!!!

Caroline said...

Well congratulations. I can think of lots of your photos that would look good there. Perhaps one day there will be a whole exhibition of your work! I wish I could go and see it but Cape Town is a bit far away.

Irredento Urbanita said...

Congratulations and I wish success you the best in the exposition.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Babzy.B said...

show us your photo ;) A bit too far to go to the exhibition ....

Karine said...

How wonderful that you have a photo on exhibit! If I were in London I would definitely go and see the show to cheer you on!

H said...

That's brilliant! Well done you! Please would you post it for those of us who can't get to London any time soon?

jennyfreckles said...

That's great - well done. I wish I could visit. Maybe my daughter will go - and report back!

Jenny WOolf said...

Will see if I can get down on Monday when I am going into the west end. The Strand gallery is new to me and I will look forward to seeing this show.

Mandy said...

Wow!! Well done Mo!! That is so impressive!!

Gunn said...

well done, Mo!

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