
Friday 29 October 2010

Tribute to the Animals

Along Park Lane this monument, a tribute to animals who died in 2oth century wars, was unveiled by Princess Anne in 2004.


B SQUARED said...

War has never been pretty.

Sharon said...

I love this!

PepeB said...

It was a cruel century for animals (especially horses), too!

Anonymous said...

Love this tribute.

Babzy.B said...

Impressive sculpture !

Luis Gomez said...

Didn't know about it. Really nice tribute.

Karine said...

What a lovely monument and a lovely idea!

Anonymous said...

very good and cool,thank you for your sharing.

Anonymous said...

paese civile grande rispetto per gli animali ciao elisabetta

RedPat said...

Love it! Thanks for posting it.

Leovi said...

Beautiful frame.

IleDuLevant said... for an explanation of the design

Mandy said...

Oh, that is very interesting and I love the link that IleDuLevant posted above. I must get out and about some time and see these things.

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