
Tuesday 9 November 2010

Penny Farthing

Early Sunday morning the London to Brighton Veteran Car Rally set off. My hat off to this entry if he made it all the way.


Irredento Urbanita said...

WWOOWW, lovely photo. You sent me some centuries ago. This photo is for a living room. Really nice.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Nonchanbkk said...


jabblog said...

What a wonderful picture! We were in London on Saturday morning and saw a couple of veteran cars with the occupants suitably dressed.

Stefan Jansson said...

Must have been a very cool event. This guy is seriously cool as is his bike.

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah. Hope he made it!! How cool....

Babzy.B said...

what a great picture ! He is brave !

B SQUARED said...

Now there is something you don't see everyday.

Sharon said...

That takes a lot of leg muscle! I hope he makes it.

Kaori said...

I'll take this to a packed commuters train anyday ;-)

Leif Hagen said...

Did you take that photo back in 1912? Golly good photo!

lizziviggi said...

That is just... amazing! I'm speechless. You sure wouldn't see anything like that around here!

Anna said...

I've always wondered how they got up on those things. Fabulous photo Mo.

Anonymous said...

Wow !!
This is a very original picture ! And I can admiring the courage this man, I would be afraid of this height !
Very good photo, congratulations !

Bye :))

Lloyd Wood said...

Well done
Lloyd Wood Devix

Anonymous said...

lovely photo grazie mo ciao elisabetta

biebkriebels said...

Looks like an old movie you were in. Well captured!

PhotoPuddle said...

Wow, how cool! I actually watched some of the London to Brighton cars on Sunday. Didn't see this beauty though!

RedPat said...

Brilliant shot! Love how you have the background out of focus.

Hilda said...

I've always wondered about this bike — looks like a difficult one to ride and steer. Fantastic shot though, and like RedPat, I love that the background is blurry. Hope he made it too, just for sheer coolness.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot Mo!

Witness said...

lovely shot!

H said...

I've always really fancied having a go on one of these :)

Karine said...

Amazing photo!!!! I would hate to fall off of that bike though!

Borboleta said...

Lovely photo :))

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

A wonderful shot, but I wonder how he got on. I imagine it as being a very uncomfortable ride.

The Lone Beader® said...

Wow, that's awesome!

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