
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Postcard from Scotland

No post yesterday as I just had to stay another day in Scotland. My first visit to the beautiful lochs. I'm already planning a longer trip.


Babzy.B said...

O' bonnie Scotland :)

Anonymous said...

Super beautiful. Not to be missed!

David Macaulay said...

nice - love the lochs on days you actually get decent weather

Kaori said...

Wow...that's gorgeous! Looking forward to more :-D

Sharon said...

Beautiful scene! It sounds like you had a great trip.

Jenny said...

Some parts of Scotland look like a three dimensional art calendar don't they ! lovely pic.

Leovi said...

Very good composition with reflections

Caroline said...

Beeuutiful! I love Scotland too - it reminds me strongly of parts of South Africa too.

Luis Gomez said...

Thank you. Lovely!

William K Wallace said...

Beautiful pic. Almost looks like t-shirt weather but, being a loon from the North East of Scotland I know how cold it gets in November...

gloria cuce' said...

Simply wounderful!!!!!

Karine said...

Stunning!!! I can see how you would want to spend an extra day and already be planning another trip there!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

With views like that, I'm surprised you'd ever want to leave!

Mandy said...

I absolutely know how you feel!! The first thought on my mind when I came back from Scotland was "when can I go again and for longer this time?"

H said...

Extremely beautiful! They're on my list!

Witness said...


Zyzzyz said...

Haste ye back.

Anonymous said...

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