
Friday 17 December 2010

Haven from Oxford St

You're in the middle of Oxford St with bruised shoulders and sore feet with only half your shopping done. A coffee is now essential to your well being. Oh no and now it's raining!

Phew St Christopher's Place is like a haven a few steps away. Coffee, recharged, time to take a couple of pictures. I forgot how pretty it is here.


jabblog said...

You manage to make the rainy pavements look beautiful! It does look a very pretty place.

AnKa said...

I agree, a very nice picture. And I can understand the feeling you describe very well. A coffee break can make all the difference on a shopping day.

Anonymous said...

caffè o cioccolata calda .ciao elisabetta said...

Great. It looks really like giant light raining. I wish you a merry pre-Christmas period!

Sharon said...

Beautiful shot! You brought back some great memories I have of shopping on this street with my dad who suddenly turned into a great shopper. As long as I can remember he always hated shopping, but turn him loose on Oxford Street and he was a different person all together.

jelly beans said...

that's so pretty! can't wait for Christmas! greetings from Barcelona.

Anonymous said...

Quite picturesque.

Nonchanbkk said...

I want to hang out the street!

Anna said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Shopping near there would be worth the hassle of shopping, tired shoulders and feet.

Wayne said...

It is a neat pedestrian precinct. I remember ambling through there in December in the rain/snow.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

It would make a good Christmas card, with the atmosphere of The Rev. Robert Walker Skating.


Anonymous said...

amazing light

× × ×


Karine said...

How beautiful indeed! I love those decorations!

PhotoPuddle said...

This photo is just perfect.

William K Wallace said...

I don't think I have ever escaped to St Christopher's Place, but I may need to go check it out tomorrow afternoon, after a tough few hours on Oxford street!

gloria cuce' said...

I'm missing going up and down in oxford street for christmas shopping and this picture is fantastic!

darkfoam said...

this is beautiful! well worth the trek through the cold rain.

jennyfreckles said...

I really like this picture - light, composition, atmosphere.

Witness said...


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