
Monday 20 December 2010

Naked Man

Get that man a coat.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

He must be freezing, poor lad.

Gunn said...

I think Mr. Gormley likes to see copies of himself.
We have several copies of him standing around Stavanger.
Looks like you have plenty of snow in the UK,so keep warm Mo and have a nice Christmas!;) said...

He already has a bangle, hasn't he?

Luis Gomez said...

Love this guy!

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh out loud - especially your commetn underneath. LOL

Sharon said...

It's way too cold to be standing around in your birthday suit!

H said...

It's making me shiver just looking at him!

Caroline said...

He looks like he is on the bones of his aaahhh...

Niki said...

Oh, I saw this man from a bus the other week... I was travelling from Pimlico to Baker Street I think but maybe not. Where exactly is he?

RedPat said...

Love it. I guess he could use some snowshoes there today!

Amber said...

He looks like he's made of chocolate!

Karine said...

LOL no kidding, eh? He must be FREEZING!!! lol

jabblog said...


PhotoPuddle said...

Ooo, how bizarre!

irinapictures said...

I saw this man in Madison Square in New York this summer. Wearing same dress. Epidemic?

Sharon said...

Mo...I wish I was in London but no, the London Bus is a Phoenix thing.

Angie said...

Getting lots of pats on his bum!

Jilly said...

Were you trying to attract our attention?!

jelly beans said...

LOL he'll need one with this nasty weather.

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