
Monday 6 December 2010

Warmer Coat

I must get myself a warmer coat.


Witness said...


jabblog said...

What a beautiful structure.

George said...

Or you can trade places with me here in Athens, where it's much warmer!

LĂșcia said...

Very beautiful composition!
You added a touch of colour with the trees.
Have a good week.

Paul @ Leeds daily photo said...

Nice cold city view. I know what you mean about the cold, I have found a scarf, 1 glove, winter hat. Got some nice fingerless gloves last week in the pound shop, so I can handle camera without losing feeling in my fingers.

darkfoam said...

is that a space ship that has landed in wintry london?

Gunn said...

I have been there on the bridge, but never seen it like this before. Great composition and very interesting.
Well done, Mo!:)

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful image Mo.

PhotoPuddle said...

Brrrr. That does look cold!

Erin said...

It does look chilly! In Columbus, Ohio we have our first covering of snow... not much, just enough to scare most people into car accidents. LOL. Love the pic though, very nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Bit chilly there at the moment is it? lol

Jack said...

Gosh, that looks cold! Nice image.

Babzy.B said...

Very interesting framing Mo!

H said...

Never seen the bridge from this angle. Cool photo!

RedPat said...

Great shot! I dragged out the down-filled coat today. Winter has arrived here.

William K Wallace said...

Always a great part of London for taking some pictures.

I haven't actually thought it has been too cold so far, I guess I must have a good winter jacket!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

It looks as if it is about to spin up and visit ET.


Karine said...

Beautiful photo! As for the coat, order online from Canada, we have everything you need ;o)

Bob Crowe said...

I have visited London many times and in every part of the year, but I have rarely seen snow. The photo makes me think of how cold is must be in the middle of the Thames while walking across Millennium Bridge.

T. Becque said...

Nice composition. I've never seen this structure before, it's quite interesting. And yes get a warm coat, gloves, scarf...

Anna said...

Incredible structure. Stay warm!

Wayne said...

I've been in London when it tried to snow, slushy sleet, it's was rather miserable. This looks a bit more appealing.

A very nice composition Mo.

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