
Saturday 22 January 2011

A Little Extra for the House

A charming decor shop in Islington.


Anonymous said...

I most like the mirror in this photo.

And I'm very happy to be the first to give a comment this time.

jo said...

Utterly charming.
And I'm glad I was a little slow to speak this morning, giving Rolf the pride-of-place he craves
From now on, I will wait until after lunch to stop by :-)

Gunn said...

Lots of nice and interesting details here.
- Have a nice weekend!

H said...

Very attractive, though I wouldn't give house room to the union flag cushions :).

I noted the reference to Islington and followed their webpage. My brother-in-law has a shop just across the road on Chapel Market! Small world!

jabblog said...

Quite a treasure trove:-)

Anonymous said...

How lovely I love charming little joints like this one!

Luis Gomez said...

You just never know what you "need".

Sharon said...

I love how you caught that lady in the mirror! Looks like a shop worth browsing.

Anna said...

I can imagine spending a happy hours wandering around in there.

Leif Hagen said...

I'd definitely take a swing in that shop - probably find something which I couldn't live without....

Karine said...

Wow! I'm just thinking about the shopkeepers having to haul all that stuff in and out of the store every day! Former shop employee syndrome, I suppose.

RedPat said...

They are obviously big on Union Jacks!

jennyfreckles said...

It looks full of quirky stuff, a good place to browse.

Anonymous said...

bello bello adoro l'oggettistica in stile english ciao elisabetta

Anonymous said...

bello bello adoro l'oggettistica in stile english ciao elisabetta

PhotoPuddle said...

Looks lovely. I bet there is some fantastic stuff in there!

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