
Sunday 9 January 2011

Sunday Bridges - Observing from Camden

Standing taking in the view from the bridge in Camden that crosses the canal.
Taking in the view, a cigarette and a cup of coffee. All will be denied to future generations.

Courtesy of host Louis La Vache visit other Sunday Bridges


gloria cuce' said...

I know exactly this place perfect to fall in mind thoughts looking at the water.

WhatKathyDid said...

Why will it be denied Mo?

Anonymous said...

This picture truly captures a moment in time for this bloke. If I were he, I would want this picture so I could remember what I was thinking at that exact moment in time. Ps. I wanna know what an organic cocktail consists of.... (sign in the background).

jabblog said...

'What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.'

I, too, wonder why it will be denied in future. Redevelopment?

H said...

Also wondering why it will be denied in the future.

He looks very pensive.

Anna said...

I'm assuming it's the cigarette's that will be denied in the future. And what is an organic cocktail exactly I wonder?

Unknown said...

Cool and colourful composition.

David Macaulay said...

This pic nicely escapsulates the seediness of Camden

Witness said...


Louis la Vache said...

Ah, yes, the Nanny State is moving to deny smokers their "vitamin N" (nicotine) but they will have a fight on their hands if they try to deny «Louis» his caffeine!.

«Louis» had to look twice at that cocktails sign - at first glance, he thought it read 'orgasmic' rather than 'organic'...


Ola said...

Hopefully coffee will sutill be available!

joco said...

'Organic' cocktails?
that makes it alright then :-)

Pinecone Stew said...

Wonderful photograph.

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