
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Brighten My Day

His brother's balloon escaped but they were able to see it for ages in the grey sky.

28 comments: said...

Wonderful shot, I like it very much.

Sy said...

love the red

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hi Mo...

This is an AMAZING photo!!! I'm coming to London in April for spring break but before the 'Wedding."


AnKa said...

I agree, an amazing shot! If it was on flickr I'd make it a fave.

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder if it fell and some other child was able to pick it up? Sure is a bright red in your photo. I suspect the London looks like this a lot.

Kate said...

Ah, The Red Balloon, one of my favorite movies. It's a great should frame it!

Caroline said...

I also remember watching The Red Balloon - about a little boy in Paris. This is lovely Mo!

PhotoPuddle said...

Great splash of colour on a grey day!

Luis Gomez said...

What a wonderful shot! Beautiful!

Sharon said...

What a great shot! I love that dot of color!

jabblog said...

That's one good thing about grey skies:-)

RedPat said...

That is a prize-worthy shot! Super!

gloria cuce' said...

Great picture!
And cute.

Gunn said...

The colorful balloon add a bit of extra to the image.
I like it!:)

The Londoneer said...

Very cute - and a good capture

Karine said...

I love, love, love this shot!

Bob Crowe said...

I don't care for the technique of converting a color photo to B&W and then erasing is bit of it to bring a spot of color back. (It usually seems to be roses or a red dress.) You did a better job, letting the splash come forward naturally. I like how you kept the balloon on the gray sky.

Witness said...

What a shot!

Leena said...


Babzy.B said...

Excellent shot , make me think of the movie "the red ballon" have a look to this link :)

Mo said...

This picture has not been photoshopped to acheive an effect. This is how the day actually was and how the image was taken in camera.

Angie said...

I knew that!!! Great shot as always, you don't need photoshop.

Anonymous said...

lovely, il palloncino grande effetto ciao elisabetta

Anna said...

I just love the contrast of that orange balloon with that gray overcast sky. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great picture!!! Looooove the contrast of the balloon against the grey skies.

Emm said...

What a brilliant shot! It reminds me of Banksy's famous girl and balloon!

Unknown said...

Lovely contrast and composition.

irinapictures said...

Grrrreat photo!

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