
Sunday 6 February 2011

Street Walker

It's hard work pounding London footpaths


Angie said...

Could be an ex copper!

Stefan Jansson said...

I have been out with my bike for about a week now without any problems. The other day I parked the bike and took maybe two steps before I was on the ground. Ice everywhere!

jennyfreckles said...

It certainly is - those London streets are harder than anywhere else, I swear! I always have to bring my comfiest shoes.

Margaret said...

The street looks icy. Canes (or sticks, as they say in London) are quite helpful!

jabblog said...

It certainly is hard work! Pavements are so unforgiving.

Caroline said...

But they say the pavements are lined with gold!

Anonymous said...

I love to walk and run the streets of London, especially from Greenwich to Buckingham Palace - but not the closest way.

Book Scanning said...

Wishing to be in London soon!

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