
Saturday 28 May 2011

Beach Huts

An urban beach and a seaside garden have popped up along Southbank. A funfair and traditional beach huts. each of these huts has an installation inside, ranging from a seashell grotto to a penny machine that lets you whack a banker.
It's going to be a grand summer.


Anonymous said...

sempre originali......ciao elisabetta

jabblog said...

Very inviting!

Julie said...

Pardon? A penny machine that lets you whack a banker!

Pray tell? (or even prey tell ...)

Luis Gomez said...

These are really cool Mo. Love them.

Jack said...

It looks like the Southbank area has been getting a lot of attention in recent years. These little faux beach cottages will liven things up.

Caroline said...

What fun. I love the idea of an urban beach! I could have done with some of those when I was a kid growing up thousands of miles from the beach in Johannesburg.

Alan said...

Huh... beach huts in London... hope they're still there when I get back in July. They're nearly as colourful as the famous beach huts on Brighton Beach in Melbourne!

David Macaulay said...

that's a bizarre site in the middle of London. There are some great beach huts in Southwold

Sharon said...

London gets the most interesting art projects! Wish I was there to explore!

Irredento Urbanita said...

It seems she is praying. I hope she does.



Barcelona Daily Photo

londoner said...

how much is the rent perday

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Love the bright colours of the beach houses.

RedPat said...

I am coming over in Sept - hope they are still there!

Karine said...

I'll have to tell my Sweetheart about this, he's heading your way in July!

PhotoPuddle said...

I love beach huts. I must go and visit these!

jennyfreckles said...

Aren't people creative - these sound like fun. I imagine 'whacking a banker' will be a popular one!

Adullamite said...

Something bright in Southbank, about time! I love the idea of 'whacking a banker' for a penny. Although I suspect some bank is making money out of that!
Nice capture this one.

Emm said...

I agree Mo! It is going to be a super summer! I saw the funfair from the train but not the huts. I love Southbank and must visit.

Gunn said...

I am coming over in September, so I hope they will be there too, just like RedPat.

William K Wallace said...

I wish I knew about the whack a banker machine when I passed by last week and I would have emptied my wallet having some fun!

KEVCAR*** Photography said...

Great photo. I could see those huts the other day from the bridge but didnt go down there. I'll have to have a look when Im in London in a couple of weeks (if they are still there).

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