Thousands marched in central London yesterday as part of the international Slutwalk campaign, in response to the Canadian policeman's comments that women should stop dressing like sluts to avoid victimisation and rape.

No means No. The way we dress is not a reason that should ever be accepted as an excuse for violence.
How stupid can that man be?
I am very glad you have posted your image about this reaction to an intolerable comment about how we should dress to avoid being a victim of violence.
Such stupid men should be relieved of their posts.
Fantastic rally! Go ladies!!
So annoyed I only found out about this as it was happening... me and my six inch heels would so have been there. Looks like a great day.
Want to say a special thanks to the guys who went. You're the kind of men we like to hang out with ;-)
giusta causa e giusta lotta non si giudica solo dal vestito. ciao elisabetta
I wonder if men know how weak they sound when they say stupid things like that.
It's so great that these rallies are happening. It is good to see women (and men) show the world peacefully that violence against women is unacceptable.
I find it strange that in one week we have had a debate about the sexualiation of childhood and poor role models from the entertainment industry and these marches and no-one is publicly putting it all together and seeing the bigger picture - that we are a society and need to protect everyone in it.
Now if women would stop crying rape when there is none we might get more convictions!
Such one sided opinions as expressed in these walks does nothing for those who suffer!
Vigorously nodding my head in agreement with all the comments above.
So embarrassed that Canadian Policeman said that...We should be allowed to wear what we want and go out in it at any time of the day or night without worrying that some monster posing as a man is going to attack us.
I am in two minds re this. Not re the comment, which was stupid at the very least. But re the demand to wear anything one likes for starters. Plus the carving out of the meaning of the word.
If you wear anything you like, you are not asking for trouble. But trouble will come your way. A big difference.
The word 'slut' does have a meaning separate from what a woman may choose to wear. And a raft of meanings for the word have been removed from general use as a consequence of this world-wide project.
I'm not sure I agree, Julie... isn't the point that, whether the wearer is conscious of how provocative they are looking or not, that women should be free to dress however they like, without fear of being attacked? If women accept that dressing in a particular way is going to mean trouble is coming their way, we're not changing anything and we're not moving forward.
The point is, it should not be like that. That's why we marched.
Poo, Blogger ate half my comment.
Try again.
To Julie:
"If you wear anything you like, you are not asking for trouble. But trouble will come your way."
The point is, it should not be like that. That's why we marched.
Yes, I can see it should not be like that. But it is like that.
Take two women: one knowingly dresses in a provocative manner in her wish to attract a mate; another dresses the way she wishes and has no intention other than her own satisfaction. What if both look very similar. I am not sure where I am going with this. I just think that to err on the cautious side might be wise.
And what about the word 'slut' itself. Is it now to have only a denotation and no connotation?
Our posts should sometime provoke dialog. You got it today, Mo. Good post.
Julie, Well said. It is always good to read a wise woman's viewpoint. And you take great photo's!
Mm .. I don't wish to be known as a 'wise woman' just because you might agree with something I said. That does not make me wise. And I am not wise. I am just concerned and interested.
What a very very very stupid thing to say of that canadian policeman.
Unfortunately he is not alone.
It is good to highlight this and say no. A no is a no, there are no excuses.
Men that are very weak and afraid can always found a reason to be violent. Only a clear message shall be send to them.
It is never never never ok!
It is just one aspect of the "blame the victim" attitude - you didn't lock your door so you deserve to have been burgled is another instance.
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