
Saturday 18 June 2011

Reappearance of Disappearing Rooms

Usually the reappearance of disappearing rooms is a sure sign of summer sun and fun. Her umbrella was not just fot the fountain. Fun in the rain doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it.


Ken said...

It's so cool! This image is so Matrix-like... where can I find this?
?? Is that the look now in London ??

Thanks for your visit. ;-)

Jenny Woolf said...

Haha first time I have seen this photographed WITHOUT the sun!

jabblog said...


AnKa said...

Great photo. Haven't seen the installation yet, but hope to see it soon - in rain or shine.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot Mo!

Anonymous said...

wow -- great pic

for composition as much
as scale and atmosphere -- great

× × ×


Babzy.B said...

Excellent shot !!

RedPat said...

Wow this is cool! Where is it?

Adullamite said...

That is an excellent picture! Very good indeed!

Jack said...

I love this composition. Nice.

Carola said...

Great with the umbrella and no sunshine weather.

Gunn said...

Love this!:)

Julie said...

I am having trouble getting my head around this, yet everyone else seems to get it instantly.

It is an artwork with a plastic sheet simulating heavy rain. There is a 'statue' on the other side - or a real person on the other side. Not sure.

What is the reference to 'disappearing rooms'? I am totally at sea here ...

Mo said...

Julie, it is a art/fountain installation. Jets of water create every changing rooms.

you can read more on a previous post

Karine said...

That looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, this photo is definitely one of my favorites this month so far!

IleDuLevant said...

Here it is, shot from the balcony of the Royal Festival Hall in 2007:

Julie said...

Ha. Got it now. Many thanks to the both of you. I can see that it would take patience ... and courage. Once again, thank you.

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