
Monday 15 August 2011

George the Dog

Put money in my hat. If you try and take it out I'll probably get rather cross.


Gemel said...

Bless him, I wouldn't put money in the hat, I'd take him home....

Jenny Woolf said...

Better still, put a bone in and I'll be your friend :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Adorable, love the look on his face!! How could you resist.

Tanya Breese said...

oh man, he is CUTE!

Sharon said...

He does look like he means business.

Jack said...

I don't know. I might want to steer clear of this dog.

Caroline said...

What a character. Do you think he's related to Bull's Eye of Oliver Twist fame?

Randy said...

Can't take his kibble money.

lizziviggi said...

Oh, who would even try take money from a face like that?

JOTA ENE ✔ said...

Beautiful shot ...

Adullamite said...

Great dog!

William K Wallace said...

Just like all staffies, George looks mean and tough, but he would probably lick you death...

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

Great photo! Is George always at this spot?

Spoiler alert--
August 16th happens to be the Feast Day of Saint Roch, the patron saint of dogs; so, you'll see a similar beast at my "dog house" tomorrow.

Thanks for your visit today.

Anonymous said...

Awww... I wanna take George home with me!

dharmapal said...

Wah, he's so cute...

RedPat said...

Looks like he will take no nonsense from anyone!

Angie said...

What a poser! Great shot. said...

Is it a cute or a stirring shot? I can't decide myself. Without fail it is a great shot. Never seen a begging dog without its master.

Babzy.B said...

Excellent :)

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