
Friday 14 October 2011

Wine and Swans

Ok a challenge today. Mainly as I was in a hurry to finish my prepostings while away. So you have to do some homework. What is the connection between wine and swans? I'll tell you when I get back to London. Hint, this picture is taken in the Vintners Hall.


Jenny Woolf said...

My guess is a wine bar with that beautiful swan sculpture in it! but I don't know WHERE.

Art said...

Very beautiful sculpture!
Have a great Friday!

Adullamite said...

Lovely swan, great pic.

gloria cuce' said...

Isn't it "The Swan" reastaurant?

Karine said...

WHat a lovely statue! I'm looking forward to finding out the link!

Sharon said...

Well, I just learned a whole boat-load of information about "Swan Upping" and the Vintners. Thanks sending me on this little research session!

IleDuLevant said...

first, here's a definition and general overview of 'swan-upping':

And here's a vintners-specific swan-upping page:

Gemel said...

You can take a wine tasting cruise down the Swan River here in Perth, but I am guessing that is not it!
There is a song also about wine and swans?????
Do tell Mo do tell..

Babzy.B said...

nice sculpture , may be the name of the Place Swann something ... ;)

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