
Tuesday 19 June 2012

St Augustine's Tower

The original church of St Augustine that stood on this site from 1275 was demolished in 1798 to make way for the bigger church of St St John. All that remains is the bell tower.
The plan was to move the bells to the new tower that was built in 1814, however the tower wasn't strong enough and had to be strengthened.
By 1854 when the work was completed the community wanted to keep the historical tower as a reminder of Hackney's medieval past. The bells and tower were saved and are now managed by the Hackney Historic Buildings Trust.

The tower and original church were dedicated to St Augustine the patron saint of the Knights Templar who owned much of Hackney's land until the 17th century. The church changed its dedication to St John in 1660 after the Knights of St John took over from the Templars.


Angie said...

5.30 on a sunny afternoon looking so peaceful. I must say it doesn't look that old - well looked after. Thanks Mo for some more history.

Adullamite said...

Really well taken pic, and interesting story. Doesn't look like the Hackney I remember!

Sharon said...

Beautiful tower with a lot of history behind it.

Karine said...

What a lovely old tower and a great little snippet of history :o)

Julie said...

I don't know. People are so fickle, changing their dedication upon a whim!

Lovely old stuff. Nothing like lovely old stuff!

Jack said...

Nicely composed, Mo, and an interesting story.

Rest up. The Olympics are coming.

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