
Thursday 23 August 2012

Open House

London is home to some spectacular architecture, both old and new. Many buildings we can only see from the outside apart from one weekend every year when the public can visit, for free, hundreds of buildings, some contemporary some historical. The event Open House London will take place 22-23 September this year.
It is one of my favourite weekends, Last year a couple of the highlights for me were Lloyds of London and an old butcher shop.

If you aren't in London or even the UK you can get a glimpse inside 100 of London's special buildings in this new book:

Open House London by Victoria Thornton, published by Ebury Press, £25.

You can buy it at Amazon or Waterstones.


Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful! Would love to see some of London's building.

Adullamite said...

Clever picture! Great stuff.
(Rubbish building mind!)


I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of this! They hold one in NYC around the same time - it's such a genius idea, whoever thought of it :)

Sharon said...

I remember this from a post you did last year (I think) and at that time, I actually went to the Lloyd's website and did a virtual tour which was loads of fun. I've always wanted to see the inside of that most unusual building. You will have to let us know which buildings you will visit this year.

RedPat said...

We have the same kind of event which is called "Doors Open" - I had a super time this year and still have pics that I haven't used on my blog yet.

Lowell said...

I've never been to London, unfortunately! So, I love posts like this that show off your beautiful city and its buildings.

The Open House London event is a super idea! The book looks very interesting, too. I may have to buy it! Thanks a lot! :-)

Julie said...

Mo : the CDPB Theme Day is on again next weekend, 1st September, and the theme is 'People Watching'. You are welcome to contribute to Eric's Face Book group page ( or to the Linky page for those who do not frequent FB ( I hope you are able to contribute.

Cheers and take care

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This is such a great idea Mo, I think i might have to drop that idea into the suggestion box at town hall here in Perth, there's a few buildings I'd love to have a squizzy at.

AnKa said...

I went to the Butcher Shop last year, truly amazing and its owner is fun to speak to. This year I won't be in London that weekend, otherwise I'd surely go again. I'll check your blog for where you went. :-)

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